SKU Management

All SKU records within your MDM are accessible through the SKU Grid in the left hand navigation bar. Within a SKU’s record, you can view the attributes that are tagged to the SKU, associated products, and associated catalogs.

In this article, you'll learn how to manage your SKUs.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Access SKUs

Add SKUs

Edit SKUs

Delete SKUs

Manage Attributes in SKUs

View SKUs in Catalogs

Modify and Apply Filters

Sort SKUs

SKU eCommerce


Access SKUs

There are three ways to access SKUs:

  1. You can access SKUs through your PIM Dashboard by selecting the SKUs tile
  2. The SKU Grid is also accessible from the left hand navigation bar
  3. You can manage SKUs from the tab in a product record

Note: Easily search for SKUs by entering in their name in your search bar.


Add SKUs

To create a SKU on the grid:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. Click Add SKU on the top right 
  3. Enter SKU details such as SKU ID, SKU Name, associated Product, and optionally Add to Catalogs
  4. Click Add


Edit SKUs

To edit a SKU on your grid:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. Select the SKU you want to edit
  3. Navigate to the SKU Details tab or the Attributes tab 
  4. Click the edit icon of the right of the field you want to edit
  5. Update the SKU information
  6. Click Save

Note: SKUs that are in "Draft" state that belong to products will not show anywhere outside of Knowde MDM. Published SKUs will also remain hidden if the associated product is in a "Draft" state.

You can update the status of your SKU using the dropdown. When a SKU is created, it is in “Draft” status and is not shown anywhere outside of your MDM. Once a SKU is ready to be shown in MDM, it can be updated to “Published” status.

To update a SKU status on your grid:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. Select the SKU you want to edit
  3. Click the Status dropdown
  4. Select Published or Draft
  5. Click Update


Delete SKUs

To delete a SKU on your grid:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. On the right of the product row next to the View button, click the dropdown arrow 
  3. Click Delete

Note: If a Product is deleted, the SKUs are also deleted. SKUs cannot exist without a Product.


Manage Attributes in SKUs 

To add attributes that are associated with a SKU, navigate to the Attributes tab.

To add an attribute associated to a SKU:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. Select the SKU you want to add an attribute 
  3. Navigate to the Attributes tab 
  4. Click Add Attribute 
  5. Enter your search query in the search bar and select an Attribute
  6. Click Add

To manage attributes that are associated with a SKU, navigate to the Attributes tab.

To edit an attribute associated to a SKU:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. Select the SKU you want to view 
  3. Navigate to the Attributes tab 
  4. Update the attribute information
  5. Click Save


View SKUs in Catalogs

SKUs for a given Product can vary by Catalog. For example, a Product can have different SKUs in your North American catalog and EU catalog. SKUs can only be added to the catalog in which the product is found. If a product is removed from a catalog, so will the SKUs.

You can access your Product Master Catalog as well as your other catalogs in the SKU Grid. Easily switch through different catalogs by using the Catalog dropdown located on the top left of the product grid. 


Modify and Apply Filters

Use filters to browse by attributes. These filters are completely customizable, allowing you to determine which attributes that you want to filter your SKU Grid on.

To filter for products on your grid:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. Click the filter icon on the top right corner
  3. Filter SKUs based on various criteria such as products or draft statuses


To filter by other attributes on your grid:

  1. Navigate to SKUs under Product Information in the left hand sidebar
  2. Click the filter icon on the top right corner
  3. Click Add Filter on the bottom 
  4. Search or select the attribute you would like to add as a filter, in the respective tabs


Sort SKUs

To sort SKUs, hover over one of the column headers in the SKU Grid and click the column. You can sort by SKU ID, SKU Name, Product Name, Published or Draft Status, and Time Created.


SKU eCommerce

You can store data to power eCommerce through the customer experience platform or marketplace store on a SKU record. If you’re simply using your MDM to store SKU information, you may choose to only fill out core details.

All SKU details in your MDM will power eCommerce dynamically. The required fields are Net Quantity, Gross Weight, and Warehouse Location.


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