A catalog is a collection of products chosen from the Product Master Catalog. Catalogs create flexible groupings of products and the selected attributes, and possible variable values that can be used for specific business needs. In Catalogs, you can create catalogs or view products associated with a catalog.
In this article, you'll learn how to set up and manage Catalogs.
Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.
Product Master Catalog
Create Catalogs
Search Catalogs
Add Products
Edit Catalogs
Delete Catalogs
Product Master Catalog
The Master Catalog is the master view of all products and the values that the product record inherits when added to another catalog. Changes made in a catalog product record will not be reflected in the master product record.
You can access your Product Master and your other catalogs in Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar. Use the Catalog dropdown menu on the top left.
Create Catalogs
You can create new catalogs at any time in Catalogs. Create a catalog for a specific team or region, so that you can update your records based on your business needs without affecting your master data.
For example, you may want to create a catalog for your Cosmetic European Division. Now, you can add and manage all your cosmetic products overseen by your Cosmetics EU Division, without affecting the master product record.
To create a catalog, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Catalogs under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
- Click Add Catalog on the top right corner
- Name your new catalog and add an optional description
- Click Create
Now you can add products to your catalog you just created.
Search Catalogs
To search for items in the catalog, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Catalogs under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
- Navigate to the Search bar on the top left corner
- Search for catalogs by their name
Add Products
To add products to your catalogs, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
- Select the product you want to add to your catalog
- Navigate to the ‘…’ icon in the top right corner and click Add to Catalogs
- Select the catalog you would like to add the product to
- Click Add
Edit Catalogs
To edit a catalog, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Catalogs under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
- Click on a catalog
Edit any of the following:
- Catalog Name
- Description of the Catalog
- Click Save
Delete Catalogs
To delete a catalog, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Catalogs under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
- Select the catalog you want to delete
- At the top right corner of the selected catalog screen, click on the ‘…’ icon
- Click Delete
Alternatively, another way to delete a catalog:
- Navigate to Catalogs under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
- Find the catalog you want to delete
- On the right of the catalog row next to the View button, click the dropdown arrow
- Click Delete
Tip: If you choose to delete a catalog, products will be removed from the catalog and all attributes specific to the
catalog will be lost.
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