Product Record Management

Each product in your MDM will contain a Product Record. A Product Record is a view of all the associated attributes, variable values, categories, associated documents, and all other information related to a product. This extracted data is organized and editable within the system.

In this article, you'll learn how to manage your Product Records.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Edit Product Information 

Manage Product Status

Additional Product Information

View Product Record Variations 


Edit Product Information

To edit product information, such as product name, associated brand, or product description, navigate to the Product Info tab. 

To update product information fields:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to edit 
  3. Navigate to the Product Info tab
  4. Click the edit icon on right of the field you want to update 
  5. Update the information
  6. Click Save

Note: The Product ID is not editable because it is a unique ID that identifies the product record within the MDM.


Manage Product Status

While you are working on a Product Record, you may want to keep your product in a Draft state. 

In a Published state, the product is visible on your store’s site. 

In a Draft state, the product is not visible on your store’s site. Changes can be applied to the product without impacting what is displayed on your store. 

To manage the status of your product:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to edit 
  3. Select between Published or Draft state using the dropdown on top right corner
  4. Click Update

Note: Only a MDM Admin can move a published product back into a Draft state.


Additional Product Information 

Within the Product Record, you can view additional information in the respective tabs - Categories, Attributes, Properties, and Documents.


To view which categories the product is associated with, navigate to the Categories tab. 

To add a new category:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to add a new category
  3. Navigate to the Categories tab between Product Info and Attributes 
  4. Click Add Category Tree on the bottom
  5. Tag your products using Knowde's Core Categories or use your own custom categories
  6. Click Add

To update which categories the product is associated to:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to update 
  3. Navigate to the Categories tab between Product Info and Attributes 
  4. Click the edit icon on the top right 
  5. Edit the category tags
  6. Click Save



To view all attributes the product is associated with, navigate to the Attributes tab.

To add a new attribute for the product record:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want add a new attribute to
  3. Navigate to the Attributes tab between Categories and Properties
  4. Click Add Attribute on the bottom right corner 
  5. Enter attribute values for one of the supported attributes
  6. Click Add 

To update an attribute:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to update
  3. Navigate to the Attributes tab between Categories and Properties
  4. Click the edit icon on the right of the attribute row
  5. Edit the attribute values 
  6. Click Save

To delete an attribute:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to delete 
  3. Navigate to the Attributes tab between Categories and Properties
  4. Click the edit icon on the right of the attribute row
  5. Click the ‘…’ icon in the slide out module
  6. Click Remove Attribute 


To view property tables of a product record, navigate to the Properties tab.

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to view properties
  3. Navigate to the Properties tab between Attributes and Documents.


To view all associated documents and document information related to the product, navigate to the Documents tab. 

To view the document PDF:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to view documents 
  3. Navigate to the Documents tab between Properties and SKUs
  4. Click the View button on right of the document you want to view 

To remove the document association to the product record:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to remove documents 
  3. Navigate to the Documents tab between Properties and SKUs
  4. Click the dropdown arrow next to the View button on right of the product you want to remove
  5. Click Remove


View Product Record Variations  

Data can be updated in a specific catalog without affecting the master record. 

To view your data in a specific catalog, use the catalog filter. To make changes to the Product Record in a specific catalog, apply the filter before making your update.

To view how your Product Record is translated in a supported language, use the language filter.


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