Composition Table

You can build a Product Composition Table for each Product in your MDM to document the ingredients which comprise your raw material or end products. This table describes the components which makeup a product. The default table view includes the Composition Name, CAS Number, Component Type, and Concentration.

In this article, you'll learn about the Composition Table.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Add Component 

Edit Component 

Remove Attribute 

Delete Component 

Customize Table

Add Documentation

Edit Documentation


Add Component

To add a Component to the table:

  1. Navigate to Products under Product Information in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click View on the right of a product row
  3. Navigate to the Composition tab
  4. Click the Edit icon on the top right of the table 
  5. Click Add Component on the bottom right 
  6. Enter a Component Name in the textfield 
  7. Click Add and click Done


Edit Component

Click into any cell to edit the values shown:

  1. Click the Edit icon in the Component column and enter the name in the textfield 
  2. Click the Edit icon in the CAS Number column and enter the number in the textfield 
  3. Click the Edit icon in the Component Type column and select a type, if needed
  4. Click the Edit icon in the Concentration column, select a number input type, and enter value(s) in the textfield(s)
  5. Click Done


Remove Attribute

To remove an Attribute from product composition:

  1. Click the Edit icon on the top right of the table 
  2. Click the Edit icon in the specific column
  3. Click the 3 dots icon on the right of the attribute and click Remove Attribute  
  4. Click Remove in the confirmation pop up
  5. Click Done


Delete Component

To delete a Component:

  1. Click the Edit icon on the top right of the table
  2. Hover over the right side of the Component row and click the Trash icon
  3. Click Delete and click Done


Customize Table

You can add additional columns to display more information.

To add additional Columns:

  1. Click the Edit icon on the top right of the table 
  2. Click Add Column 
  3. Enter your search query in the search bar and select a Column
  4. Click the Edit icon in the new Column and enter a value in the textfield
  5. Click Save and click Done


Add Documentation

Each Composition Table comes with the option to link it to appropriate documentation for easy access.

To select Source Document(s):

  1. Click the Edit icon on the top right of the table
  2. Click Select Source Document(s) on the bottom left
  3. Enter your search query in the search bar and select Document(s)
  4. Click Save and click Done

Note: Click “Upload New” to upload new document files as source document(s)


Edit Documentation

To edit Source Document(s):

  1. Click the Edit icon on the top right of the table
  2. Click Edit next to the Source name(s) on the bottom left
  3. Update the selected Document(s) 
  4. Click Save and click Done


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