Product Grid Management

The Product Grid is where you can view and manage all of your product records in your MDM. In the Product Grid, you can add product records or apply various filters to find the products that you are looking for. 

In this article, you'll learn how to navigate your Product Grid.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Access Your Product Records

Add Products

Delete Products

Remove Products From Catalog

View Products in Catalogs

Modify and Apply Filters 

Sort Products


Access Your Product Records

There are two ways to access Products:

  1. You can access products through your PIM Dashboard by selecting the Products tile.

  2. The Product Grid is also accessible from the left hand navigation bar.

Tip: Search for products by their name. Or, use filters in the top right corner to browse for products by attributes or


Add Products

To add a product on your grid:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click Add Product on the top right corner
  3. Enter in product information such as product name and brands
  4. Click Add


Delete Products

To remove a product on your grid:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. On the right of the product row next to the View button, click the dropdown arrow
  3. Click Delete

Note: Please note that only MDM Administrators can delete products.


Remove Products From Catalog

To remove products associated to the catalog:

  1. Navigate to Catalogs under PIM in the left hand navigation bar 
  2. Click on a catalog
  3. Navigate to the Products tab next to Catalog Info 
  4. On the right of the product you want remove, click the dropdown arrow
  5. Click Remove

Caution: Once a product has been deleted, the product will be removed from your MDM, but will remain in the system for
record-keeping and potential recovery needs. If you require more assistance, please submit a request.


View Products in Catalogs

You can access your Product Master Catalog as well as your other catalogs in the Product Grid. Easily switch through different catalogs by using the Catalog dropdown located on the top left of the product grid.


Modify and Apply Filters 

Use filters to browse by attributes or categories. These filters are completely customizable, allowing you to determine which attributes that you want to filter your Product Grid on. 

You are able to filter by:

  1. Brands
  2. Markets
  3. Technologies
  4. Status

To filter for products on your grid:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click the filter icon on the top right corner 
  3. Filter products based on various criteria such as brands, markets or technologies

To filter by other attributes and categories on your grid:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click the filter icon on the top right corner 
  3. Click Add Filter on the bottom
  4. Search or select the attribute or category you would like to add as a filter, in the respective tabs 


Sort Products

To sort products, hover over one of the column headers in the Product Grid and click the column. You can sort by Product Name, Published or Draft Status, and Last Modified. 


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