Manage Multilingual and Multiregional Data

Within MDM, you can add translation values. Attributes can store multiple label translations or values so your teams can work dynamically across regions and languages on a record in the system. 

In this article, you'll learn how to manage multilingual product information.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Languages Available

Translatable Data 

Manage Records in Multiple Languages


Languages Available

Knowde currently supports the following languages:

  1. English (UK)
  2. English (US)
  3. French (CA)
  4. French (FR)
  5. Portuguese (BR)
  6. Spanish (ES)
  7. Italian (IT)
  8. Portuguese (PT)
  9. Spanish (MX)

Note: To learn how to configure your languages, check out the article on Advanced Configurations.


Translatable Data

The following data can be translated within your MDM: 

  1. Product Info
  2. Brand Info
  3. Document Info
  4. Attributes
  5. Categories 


Manage Records in Multiple Languages

To add or edit translations:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to add or edit translations to 
  3. Click on the edit icon on right of the field you would like to add a translation to
  4. Add or edit the translation in the corresponding Translation section
  5. Click Save

To view different translations of your record, click the Language dropdown on the top located under the record name.


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