Storefront Completeness Indicator

In the Sales Dashboard, you'll find the Storefront Completeness Indicator. This tool makes it easier than ever for you to finish setting up your Store on the Knowde marketplace or your CXP site. A complete Store generates the most leads, so it's important to fill out as much information as you can to attract the most customers.

In this article, you'll learn how to complete your Store.

Note: This feature is available to all Suppliers on Marketplace or the Customer Experience Platform.



Access the Storefront Completeness Indicator

Complete Your Store


Access the Storefront Completeness Indicator

You can navigate to this section through your Sales Dashboard or through the Completeness banner that follows you around on Knowde. 

To access the Storefront Completeness Indicator:

  1. Click on the profile pill in the upper right-hand corner and click Sales Dashboard
  2. The Storefront Completeness Indicator should be visible once the Account Manager Home page loads.

Complete Your Store

In the Storefront Completeness Indicator, you will observe tasks that have been completed and tasks that still require your attention. 

  • Unchecked tasks are those waiting to be completed. 
  • Each of these 6 tasks needs to be done before launching your Store.

The 6 tasks that are necessary for activating your Knowde Store are:

  1. Brand Your Store
  2. Upload Documents
  3. Add Product Info
  4. Add Team Members
  5. Onboard Experts
  6. Create Channel Rules

Upon clicking any of these tasks, the Storefront Completeness Indicator will guide you through the actions you need to take. 

  • You can refer to the related articles above to learn more about each of these tasks.

Once your Storefront Completeness Score reaches 100, this section will be hidden from your Sales Dashboard and you'll be ready to launch your Store!


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