Document Management

All document records within your MDM are accessible through the Document Grid in the left hand navigation bar. Within a document's record, you can view the associated PDF, attributes that are tagged to the document, and associated products. 

In this article, you'll learn how to manage the documents within your MDM.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Access Your Documents 

Search for Documents

Filter through Your Documents

Add Documents

Manage Documents

Manage Your Document Record

Version History


Access Your Documents

There are two ways to access Documents:

  1. You can access documents through your PIM Dashboard by selecting the Documents tile.
  2. The Document Grid is also accessible from the left hand navigation bar.


Search for Documents

To find the document you are looking for on your grid: 

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Navigate to the Search bar in the top left corner 
  3. Search by Document Name or an associated Product Name


Filter through Your Documents

To filter for documents on your grid:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click the filter icon on the top right corner 
  3. Filter documents based on various criteria such as document type, date created or updated

To filter by other attributes on your grid:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click the filter icon on the top right corner 
  3. Click Add Filter on the bottom
  4. Search or select for the attribute you would like to add


Add Documents

To add documents on your grid:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click Add Document on the top right corner 
  3. Upload or drag and drop the document file. Enter in document information such as Document Name, Document Type, Language, and Applicable Region.
  4. Click Add Document 

Alternatively, document records can be added to a product record by selecting Add Document within the Documents tab of a product record.

To Add a Document to a Product:

  1. Navigate to Products under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the product you want to add documents 
  3. Navigate to the Documents tab between Properties and SKUs
  4. Click Add Document on the bottom
  5. Upload or drag and drop the document file. Enter in document information such as Document Name, Document Type, Language, and Applicable Region.
  6. Click Add Document


Manage Documents

From the Document Grid, you can view, download, update and archive documents. Document updates and archives can be viewed in the Document’s Version History.


Manage your Document Record 

Find more information regarding your Document record in the Document Info, Attributes, and View tabs.

Document Information

To view all document information including the associated PDF and tagged attributes, navigate to the Document Info tab. 

To view document information:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the document you want to view document information 
  3. Navigate to the Document Info tab next to Attributes  

To update document information fields:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the document you want to update 
  3. Navigate to the Document Info tab next to Attributes 
  4. Click on the edit icon on right of the field you would like to edit document fields
  5. Update the existing information
  6. Click Save 



To find existing attributes associated with the document or to add a new one, navigate to the Attributes tab.

To add an attribute:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the document you want to add attributes
  3. Navigate to the Attributes tab between Document Info and View
  4. Click Add Attribute on the bottom right corner 
  5. Select the attribute to add and fill out the attribute value 
  6. Click Add


To view the uploaded document and download it in PDF format, navigate to the View tab.

To view document:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Select the document you want to view 
  3. Navigate to the View tab next to Attributes 


Version History

View all versions of a document including the current and past versions.

To track a document's version history:

  1. Navigate to Documents under PIM in the left hand navigation bar 
  2. Select the document you want to see version history 
  3. Click the  ‘…’  icon on the top right corner of the document's record
  4. Click Version history


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