Overview of the MDM System

Knowde organizes your unstructured product data in a matter of weeks. Our AI Knowledge Engine ingests, extracts, cleanses and harmonizes your product, customer and vendor master data. Then, we store your master data in a MDM system, allowing the data to flow into any other system. A MDM enables your business to utilize a central source of truth to easily manage your accurate and comprehensive master data

In this article, you'll learn how to get started using your MDM.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Access Your MDM

Overview of Your Dashboard


Access Your MDM

To access your MDM system:

  1. Log in to your Supplier account on Knowde
  2. Click on your Profile at the top right corner 
  3. Navigate to Dashboard under PIM in the Profile dropdown menu

After accessing your MDM, you can explore the following sections of your PIM by using your left hand navigation bar: 

  1. Products
  2. Catalogs
  3. Brands
  4. Documents
  5. Media Assets
  6. Formulations
  7. Exports
  8. Configuration 

You can learn more on how to manage these sections in the Knowde MDM Help Center.


Overview of Your Dashboard

The Dashboard is the central product management system for all product data, catalogs, brands, documents, and more.

Within the Dashboard, you can also view all recently added products and documents and see all recent activity that is happening within your MDM System

This real-time information ensures you have full visibility into changes being made to your system.


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