Glossary of Terms


Buyer Any user who is not part of your company is a buyer. This means they can make requests (sample, document, information, etc) for any product on your site. When a buyer sends a request, it is often referred to as a placed request. Placed requests can be managed in their buyer account manager on the CXP site.

Any user associated with the company which is hosting CXP. Requests sent to a seller are often referred to as received. Received requests can be managed by the seller on

Supplier The company that is hosting the CXP store.
Expert This user has appropriate knowledge about your company’s products and can answer buyers' questions. They are assigned via the account manager, and visible on product pages to ask questions to.
Anon Anonymous user or a user who is not currently logged in
Concierge A Knowde employee and customer service superhero. The Knowde concierge can be brought into conversations when there are technical issues.
Brand Collection of products with similar properties.
Featured Product

This is the addition of a module in a store that allows producers to select a couple products to Feature on their store.

How to Feature a Product 2.jpg

Knowdz A tag-like, the smallest piece of Knowde’s taxonomy. It is used to describe Products in order to let Users search Knowde database. Knowdz are linked into groups and subgroups, eg. Industries; Chemistries - INCI, Polymers; Functions; Families; etc.).
Examples of Knowdz: Water, Tin Oxide, Personal Care, Polyolefins, Esters, Solvent, Colorant, Sun Care, Dairy, Blush, BB Cream, Natural Origin, Anti-aging, etc.)

Most crucial documents that Buyers need to make a decision on purchasing the Product from Seller.

TDS (Technical Data Sheet) contains physical and chemical properties of a product, such as product composition, methods of use, operating requirements, common applications, warnings and pictures of the product.

SDS (Safety Data Sheet) may include instructions for the safe use and potential hazards associated with a particular material or product, along with spill-handling procedures.
Order / Order line A single Order that Buyer made, can consist of many Order Lines from many Sellers.

These are all the Roles available in the Knowde system:

  • Anonymous
  • User
  • Contributor
  • Representative
  • Messenger
  • Company Admin
  • Purchaser
  • Concierge (Knowde only)


  • The term Member is often used to refer to anyone that is signed in, regardless of their role assignments
  • Verified and unverified refer only to the domain check that occurs in two situations:
    • 1) when the system automatically assigns roles during registration
    • 2) when users sign in to a company with the Business Email Verification feature enabled
  • Expert is currently an assignment, not a role, though this is likely to be refactored into a role at some point in the future
  • It is very important that we all use the same vocabulary when describing roles within the application in order to prevent miscommunications and unintended access/permissions problems.

Daily Active Users (DAU)


International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) are the unique identifiers for cosmetic ingredients


A CAS Registry Number, also referred to as CAS RN or informally CAS Number, is a unique numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service to every chemical substance described in the open scientific literature.
Like a INCI, but more broadly applicable for non-Cosmetic industries


A lead is an individual or organization with an interest in what you are selling. The interest is expressed by sharing contact information, like an email ID, a phone number, or even a social media handle.


Search Engine Results Page (SERP)


In short term, taxonomy is the practice of classification of things or concepts. Example Taxonomy:

  1. Level 1 - Markets
    1. Level 2 - Personal Care
      1. Level 3 - Applications
        1. Level 4 - Beauty & Care
        2. Level 4 - Personal Hygiene
      2. Level 3 - Product Families
        1. Level 4 - Cosmetic Ingredients
        2. Level 4 - Cosmetic Bases
  2. Level 1 - Technologies
    1. Level 2 - Advanced Materials
      1. Level 3 - Composites
      2. Level 3 - Electronic Materials
      3. Level 3 - Battery Materials
      4. Level 3- 3D Printing Materials


Typeahead is the drop-down menu that appears when a user types into the Knowde search bar. It displays suggested results based on Relevance.


A Jumplink is a hyperlink embedded in the suggested result which, upon click, redirects a user to the page of interest, or a specific location in that page.


Depending on which actions a user takes within Search, the Knowledge team selects which filters will appear.


  1. All Filters – always present and fixed in location.
    1. Triggers a slide-out menu at all views that displays all available Facets and taxonomy terms that exist within the scope of your current search.
  2. Smart Filter – standard Filter contained within All Filters, but up to 4 are hand selected to appear on the SERP as they are the most popular or relevant for the selected Market or Technology (which makes them “Smart”).
    1. Triggers a drop-down menu that a user can search within and select Filters from
  3. Property or Range Filter - a filter based on a property of a product, usually a numeric value which can be scaled between a minimum and maximum using a slider.
  4. Applications – always present and fixed in location when a user has selected a Category
    1. Triggers a drop-down menu that allows users to select the desire Application
  5. Quick Filter – true/false toggles scoped to certain categories within search
  6. Keyword Filter – only present when a user performs a keyword search, fixed in location.
    1. Filters results by the entered keyword


Categories show up in search as tiles, they are the technologies your product goes into. It is possible to also choose markets as categories from the mega menu. These are the buckets your products are organized in.

Technologies: What your product does
Markets: What industries it serves

Facet Group

This is used to group Facets, seen in Search as “Filter Groups”


Another word for a standard taxonomy term-containing Filter, these are what you see as smart filters: for example, functions.

Taxonomy Term

These are the individual tags you can filter for, eg. “Sweetener”


The Mega-Menu is the drop-down menu triggered when a user hovers over Markets, and Technologies in the upper left hand corner of the screen. The Mega-Menu is entirely comprised of all the categories on your site.


Knowde Pay is a service that lets you use the payment methods already associated with your account in Knowde to make payments for Products. To make a payment via Knowde_Pay , a user should have proper roles and sufficient Credits approved for the user


The communicator placed in the bottom-right corner of your website. The user can choose an expert with which he wants to talk.

Live Conversations Dashboard

Ultimate Knowde communication and selling Dashboard where all of the users, experts or concierges messages can be managed. All of the messages and additional information are scoped depending on type of a user.

You can can see all messages ongoing inside their company scope so you can see all your customer communication on Knowde and your CXP store


Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)


SSR stands for "Server-Side Rendering". It's a way of rendering a web page on the server before sending it to the client (the user's web browser) for display. This can improve the initial loading time and overall performance of the web page. It’s used in all CXP stores.


A breadcrumb is a navigation aid used in websites and applications. It shows the user's current location within a website or application and allows them to easily keep track of their path and go back to previously visited pages. Breadcrumbs typically appear as a horizontal list of links, separated by a symbol like ">" or "/".


Power box



Terms of Sale (TOS)

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