Learn about Knowde Messenger

Knowde Messenger is a chat feature that allows buyers to communicate effectively and quickly with Suppliers. You can also use Messenger to get instant chat support from Knowde’s Concierge.

In this article, you'll learn how to send a message with Knowde Messenger.

Note: This feature is available to all Buyers



Get Started with Knowde's Messenger 

Find the Right Experts 

Send a Message to an Expert

Get Assistance from Concierge


Get Started with Knowde's Messenger

Navigate to the right buttom corner of your window and click on the chat icon to start a chat. Feel free to reach out to Knowde Concierge for any questions relating to products or Suppliers, get support with technical issues, or assistance in your procurement journey. We are here to assist whenever needed. 

Note: The Knowde Concierge is located at the top of the chat box at all times.


Find the Right Experts 

Navigate to a store's Expert page to learn about their specialties, so you can find the Expert that best fits your needs on your procurement journey.

To find an Expert on a store:

  1. Navigate to the top left corner of the page and click on the three horizontal lines icon
  2. Select Suppliers to see a full list of Suppliers on Knowde's marketplace
  3. Click the search icon to open the search bar or click Filter to filter by Industries or Products the Suppliers provide
  4. Select a Supplier you are interested in to visit their store 
  5. Click Ask an Expert in the Company's summary of the store Overview page and select an Expert to send a message to. 
  6. You can also message an Expert on a product page in Experts section. 

Alternatively, you can find an Expert in the Experts tab. Here you will be able to read about their Profiles to see which Expert may be best to assist you in your questions regarding your procurement journey.  Follow the steps below:

  1. Once on a Supplier's store 
  2. Click the Experts tab in the left hand navigation bar to view all their Experts
  3. Click Message Me to send a message directly to an Expert and get your questions answered regarding your Procurement Journey or other related questions  

At any point when browsing the store and you would like to send a message, you can use the chat box in the bottom right of the screen to select an Expert to message.

Note: Some stores may be missing an Expert tab, which means they have not yet added Experts


Send a Message to an Expert

Once you find an Expert, type in your question and click send! Your message should state your question clearly and it is best to include any additional context to help the Expert better understand how they can assist. Rest assured your message will be responded to as soon as possible. Experts receive a notification whenever you ask them a question to ensure they can respond in a timely manner. 

You will also receive a notification via email whenever the Expert responds to you. No need to wait for a response on the platform. 

To send a message to an Expert:

  1. Ensure you are logged into Knowde
  2. Navigate to the bottom right corner and click on the Talk to Experts icon to access the Messenger
  3. Search for a Supplier using the search bar or select a Supplier
  4. Click on the Expert profile you would like to send a message to
  5. Type in your message
  6. Click the send icon

Messages will be saved to your inbox and you can come back and check your messages or follow up whenever. Rest assured, you will also receive an email notification when you get a response. 

Tip: You can also find Experts by navigating to any store in Knowde and clicking on Ask an Expert


Get Assistance from Concierge

If you need assistance from the Knowde Concierge team, you can reach out through the Knowde Messenger.

To send a message to Knowde Concierge:

  1. Ensure you are logged into Knowde
  2. Navigate to the bottom right corner and click on the Talk to Experts icon to access the Messenger

  3. Click on Knowde Concierge

  4. Type in your message

  5. Click the send icon


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