
Approvers can locate change requests directly in their Approvals Inbox, allowing them to quickly approve or reject edits from one place. Admins can view all approval requests.

Each approval contains details including the object name, object type, count of approval requests, editor(s), and last modified date. As an approver, you’ll receive a daily digest of requests pending your approval or rejection. Once a change is reviewed, the user requesting the change will receive an update.

In this article, you'll learn about Approvals.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



Request Awaiting Review  

Approve Request

Reject Request

View Approved Request

View Rejected Request


Request Awaiting Review

Requests awaiting approval are queued in the Awaiting Review tab. A red circle with the total number of approval requests awaiting approval in the left hand navigation bar indicates that there are requests that need to be approved or rejected. 

To view a request awaiting review:

  1. Navigate to Approvals in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Navigate to the Awaiting Review tab
  3. Click Expand All or Minimize All to expand and collapse all the change requests in the group

Note: Approval requests are implicitly grouped by object
and sorted from last modified (with most recently modified at the top).

To filter for a request awaiting review:

  1. Navigate to Approvals in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Navigate to the Awaiting Review tab
  3. Click Filter and filter by object(s) including product, brand, document and catalog
  4. Click Apply


Approve Request

To approve an approval request:

  1. Navigate to Approvals in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Navigate to the Awaiting Review tab
  3. Select checkbox(s) to approve or reject specific change(s)
  4. Click the Approve button on the right
  5. Click Approved and Publish in the confirmation popup

Note: The selected approval request is moved in the Approved tab.


Reject Request

To reject an approval request:

  1. Navigate to Approvals in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Navigate to the Awaiting Review tab
  3. Select checkbox(s) to approve or reject specific change(s)
  4. Click the Reject button on the right 
  5. Click Reject Changes in the confirmation popup and add an optional note, if needed

Note: The selected approval request is moved in the Rejected tab.


View Approved Request

Approved Requests are indicated with a green label in request groups. 

To view an approved approval request:

  1. Navigate to Approvals in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Navigate to the Approved tab
  3. Select a approval request to view details

Tip: Search for object names, editors, and authors using the search bar


View Rejected Request

Rejected Requests are indicated with a red label in request groups. 

To view an rejected approval request:

  1. Navigate to Approvals in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Navigate to the Rejected tab
  3. Select a approval request to view details


Still need help?

Submit a Request

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