Send Documents to Knowledge Engine

In the Knowledge Engine section of the navigation bar, you can upload documents and files, enabling AI-powered product creation and enrichment. Keep your product data up-to-date and accurate with minimal effort when you use the Knowledge Engine right inside your MDM. Files can be managed only by MDM Admins or MDM Editors within a tenant. 

In this article, you'll learn about how to upload files to the Knowledge Engine.

Note: MDM is available for purchase. Request a quick demo of MDM here.



SFTP vs Web Uploader

How to use Web Uploader

How to use SFTP 

Upload Details

Filter Uploads


SFTP vs Web Uploader

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol that provides secure file transfer capabilities over a secure shell connection. It’s designed to provide a high level of security while transferring files, ensuring that both the data and user credentials are encrypted during transit.

SFTP is used during implementation or needing to transfer a large volume of files. On the other hand, the Web Uploader is used for ongoing needs post implementation. Both SFTP and the Web Uploader can be used anytime when transferring files. If you have trouble with either option, contact us for assistance.


How to use Web Uploader

The Web Uploader can support up to 1GB per individual file and up to 20 files total per upload. A zipped file containing thousands of documents counts as 1 file. When uploading files, there will be a progress indicator on the bottom right showing in real-time how many files have been uploaded. 

To upload files using Web Uploader:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Engine in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click Upload Files on the top right
  3. Select files to upload 

Tip: For uploads greater than 20 files at a time, we recommend using SFTP to transfer files to the Knowledge Engine.


How to use SFTP

An SFTP can be used to transfer files on your local machine and a cloud storage provider. There are no limits of individual file size or total upload size using SFTP but your company may have SFTP restrictions. After an SFTP connection is opened for two weeks, the credentials become inactive and the connection is closed.

To upload files using SFTP locally: 

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Engine in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click Connect SFTP on the top right
  3. Click Generate SFTP Credentials in the modal
  4. Your SFTP Credentials are generated displaying the Host, Username, and Password
  5. Go to your SFTP application and enter the SFTP credentials 
  6. In your SFTP application, select files to transfer 

Note: If a row has “Open” and a green dot on the right, the connection is open and SFTP credentials are active.


To close an SFTP connection:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Engine in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click Details on the right of the specific upload row 
  3. Click SFTP Connection on the right of status
  4. Click Close Connection on the bottom of the popup

Note: Once you close an SFTP connection, you cannot reopen it. However, you can create a new connection at any time.


To transfer files using SFTP with a cloud storage provider (e.g., SharePoint), work with your IT team to use SFTP credentials provided to you. We’ve provided links below with SharePoint instructions from Microsoft.


  1. Use Power Automate to create a flow.
  2. Use the Power Automate flow to connect SFTP. Microsoft's how-to guide is here.


Upload Details

To view Upload Details:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Engine in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click Details on the right of the specific upload row 
  3. View details such as when it was created, who it was created by, and ID.
  4. View the files uploaded and their size in the Uploaded tab under Files


Filter Uploads

In the Knowledge Engine, you can apply filters to segment your upload based on your business needs and to display your uploads in a view that helps you easily digest the information.

To filter uploaded files:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Engine in the left hand navigation bar
  2. Click the Filter icon above the uploads grid
  3. Select an option to Filter by such as Uploaded, Uploaded by, and Source
  4. Click Close

Note: You may select multiple filter options at once.


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